Arena Aurobindo Successfully Conducts Workshop on The Art of Film Editing and Cinematography Techniques

Arena Animation SAIT Indore on 6th January 2023, conducted a successful workshop on “The Art of Film Editing and Cinematography Techniques”. Mr Pranav Sharma, Post Production Head at The Blunt was invited as the expert to share his industry knowledge and experience with the attendees on various aspects of film editing and cinematography, especially during the post-production phase. 


The session started with a warm welcome of the expert by the team Arena Animation SAIT Indore, followed by a detailed account of the various aspects of cinematography and film editing post-production. Mr Sharma discussed multiple topics which included live examples from movies and films that have been recently released and rely on heavy VFX and animation. He also shared his experience dealing with the various complications that may arise during post-production, as well as tips on addressing those issues. 

During the session, the attendees got sufficient time to interact and communicate with the expert and get satisfactory answers to their queries related to the post-production phase of film and movie editing, with the expert delivering real-life examples. The workshop also included a session where Mr Sharma gave a live demo of croma with in-depth detailing of lighting, camera settings and green screen usage and how to optimize the various environment settings to enhance the output video and get the best out of your resources. He also explained how production houses such as movies and news studios use various light effects and resources to enhance their real-time video output.

The session wrapped up with the expert – Mr Pranav Sharma being honoured with a vote of thanks from team Arena Animation SAIT, Indore and the attendees got awarded a certificate for successfully attending the workshop.

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