Celebration of National Pharmacy Week at SAIP


The online National Pharmacy Week was celebrated from 15th November 2021 to 20th November 2021. The main objective for celebrating National Pharmacy week was to create cognizance amongst the community, other healthcare providers, and the authorities. National Pharmacy week is a medium to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of Pharmacists and technicians make to patient care in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and other healthcare settings.


The Pharmacy Week-2021 kick-started with a colourful & joyful event Abhivyakti@SAIP, a Poster Making competition from 15th November 2021 to 18th November 2021. The topic was Medical Waste Management. 12 students from different semesters of SAIP marked their presence with some wonderful posters reflecting the importance of the segregation of biomedical waste according to their physical properties. Hitendra Singh from Diploma-II Year secured the First position, Merlin Ann Renji from B. Pharm I Year secured the Second position & Sakshi Rathore from B. Pharm I Year secured the Third position in the event.

The second event of the Pharmacy Week-2021 Manthan@SAIP, a group discussion activity to check the perspective of youth on the topic: How does social media influences our life? was organized on 19th November 2021. 30 students from different departments of SAIP shared their views for and against the motion of the discussion where they quoted some relatable and interesting incidents from day-to-day life to concrete their arguments. Hitendra Singh from Diploma II Year and Palak Dubey from Pharm D III Year secured first spots.


The last event of the Pharmacy Week-2021, Extempore was organized on 20th November 2021 examining the quick-thinking abilities of speakers where they formulated their thoughts and developed their confidence in public speaking. Students from different courses of SAIP registered for this tp express their robust thoughts on different subjects. The participants constructed their thoughts and spread awareness with their logical approaches and examples of daily life to make other participants understand in a better way. Ashraf Khan from B. Pharma-I Year secured the winning position in this event.

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