CSE Department – SAIT organized One Day Hands-on Workshop on Core Java


On April 12th 2023, Computer Science Department of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology organized a One Day Hands-On Workshop on Core Java for the students. Renowned subject matter experts from Ypsilon IT Solutions delivered their session on Core Java using Visual Studio.

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This event was conducted in association with IEEE, IEEE Computer Society – Madhya Pradesh Chapter, CSI Indore, IEEE SAIT Student Branch, ACM Indore and ACM Student Chapter SAIT.

The invited guests were Mr. Hemant Sharma, Senior Technical Trainer at Ypsilon IT Solutions, Mr. Sudhir Patil, Marketing Executive, Ypsilon IT Solution. The program started with welcoming all the dignitaries at 10:00 AM. Guests were welcomed with bouquet of flowers presented by Dr. Durgesh Kumar Mishra, Director – SAIT, Indore.

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After flower welcome, Dr. Mishra gave welcome address and briefed about the event. Mr. Raj Chouhan, Chairman IEEE Student Branch SAIT, introduced Mr. Hemant Sharma.

Subject expert talk was delivered by Mr. Hemant Sharma. He delivered his talk on “Introduction to Java”. He covered various aspects of core Java and why it is essential in present era. He started with introduction of Java and explained the core differences between C++ and Java.

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He also covered various topics including features of Java, history of Java, about JVM, Data type, decision statements, tokens and types of tokens. This session was followed by Hands-on practice session.


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At the end, the guests were honoured with a token of remembrance by Dr. Mishra (Director – SAIT) and the vote of thanks was presented by Mr. Ritik Toppo, Member of IEEE studente branch. Complete event was volunteered by our IEEE Student’s members. 
Around 80 students and faculty members attended and benefitted from the workshop offline.

NOTE: Link to IEEE vtools: https://sbr.vtools.ieee.org/

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