Educational and Cultural Events at SAIP: A Glimpse


IPSF (International Pharmaceutical Student Federation) organized APPS MANILA (Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium) with the theme: “Ideas to reality: the versatility of Asia- pacific pharmacist”. The event was organized in July by experts from the Philippines in the virtual mode due to the pandemic.


It was an 11 day-long program where experts from the different areas of the Pharma Industry organized various engagement events for the students and other attendees. 

DAY 01 marked the start of the largest event in IPSF APRO. The event kicked off with the opening remark delivered by Mr William Buhayo (APPS 2021 Chairperson), where he explained to the delegates the exciting activities of the event and also focused on the importance of pharmacists in different fields. Ms FlorensiaRahatiPujjani(IPSF Chairperson 2020-21) poured light on the beauty of APPS in creating a positive and fun environment for learning.

5 online workshops were held throughout the 10-day APPS MANILA which aimed to inspire our delegates to calculate & hone their learning & motivation to broaden their horizons & go beyond. The committee created opportunities for students that included- “Educational Sessions”, “Pharmacists in Advocacy”, “Professional Development”, “Digital Pharmacy” & “Cultural Sessions”.

On Day 03, “International Night” was organized, where participants interacted with the delegates from the Asia Pacific region. PD Competitions were held on July 04, 07, 11 where participants represented their country in 4 various competitions organized by AAPS MANILA.

Of course, APPS MANILA was not just limited to workshops and competitions. “Social Events” were organized on July 06, 08, and 10 that were aimed to create harmony among all the delegates throughout the event.

On Day 10, the “PH Campaign” was held whose ultimate goal was to spark change as well as be an avenue for the delegates to voice and share their certain causes through campaigns.

Symposia were held on July 03, 04, and 10. The 3 main were: 

Symposium 1 – Universal Health Coverage, Symposium 2 – Pharmacist in Action-Intersection of Pharmacy & Psychiatry & Symposium 3 – Be Aware-Current & Emerging Perspectives in Covid19 Response.

Our students Arpit Choudhary from PHARM D 2nd year and Shubhangi Houde from B Pharm’s 3rd year participated in the preliminary round and made us feel proud for their efforts.



Mitti Ke Shri Ganesh Ji

On 10th September 2021, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy organized a competition on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi on the theme “Mitti Ke Shri Ganesh Ji”, where the participants made Ganesh Ji idols with clay. Our Students Jayesh Pandey (B. Pharm 2nd year) and Isha Sethiya(Pharm D 3rd year) were declared the winners.

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The second event was “Ganesh Rangotsav”, a painting competition on the theme of Ganesh Ji. The winners of the competition were Muskan Sharma (B.Pharm 2nd year) and the runner-up for the competition was Aparna Barange (Pharm D 2nd year).

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