26/09/2022, MONDAY
In today’s busy world, time management skills for students are increasingly important. Like our energy and money, time is a finite resource and as such, it needs to be effectively managed.
The keynote speaker of the Day 1-Student Development Program is Hemanga Nimai Das he speaks on time management the session is very interactive. He explains various strategies to manage time by giving real-life examples. He speaks on various aspects related to time management:
- Find our most effective and productive hours of the day.
- Make realistic plans.
- Own your work.
- Don’t bite more than you can chew.
- Plan ahead.
- Be flexible
He concluded the session by teaching how we can manage our time effectively and how it adds to our productivity levels by assigning a fixed time for all the tasks to be done in a day let’s plan our day in advance which enables us to do more tasks in less time.
The session was highly informative for the students. They got so much to learn about time management strategies.
27/09/2022, TUESDAY
Understanding and using financial concepts and abilities efficiently in your daily life is known as financial literacy.
The ability to manage money properly is made possible by having a solid understanding of finance.
It aims to aid individuals in comprehending economic ideas that will improve their ability to manage their finances.
Therefore a session on “Finance for all” has been organised by Sri Aurobindo Institute of Management & Science on the 2nd Day of the “Student Development Program”.
The keynote speaker for the session was “Mr AMAN MAURYA” Director finoptions Institute of Financial Studies Pvt. Ltd.
He shared the various aspects of finances with the students, such as what is financial management, how to manage finances, how much it is necessary to manage finances on your own and so on.
He also shared the current market needs, specific skills and online software.
Overall it was a very much informative session for the students so that they can get ready to work in the industry.
28/09/2022, WEDNESDAY
On the 3rd Day of the Student Development Program Dr Mayur Sethi, Founder & CEO of advertising was invited as an expert speaker. Dr Mayur is a passionate entrepreneur who has helped many startups and individuals to many for their businesses. He addressed the participants on the topic “Why College is the best time to Startup and how to be future-ready!”. His session was very interactive and students participated enthusiastically by answering all his questions and also asking their own queries related to startups. Dr Mayur gave industry-driven practical examples to develop a conceptual framework related to his topic.
In the end, Dr Unmesh Mandloi presented Dr Mayur with a token of remembrance and also expressed his words of gratitude. The whole session was conducted by Ms Pooja Nahatkar.
29/09/2022, THURSDAY
Communication today is very important both in the business world and in private life.
Developing strong communication skills is essential when it comes to building a successful career. But your communication skills play a key role in your private life too.
Successful communication helps us better understand people and situations. It helps us overcome diversities, build trust and respect, and create conditions for sharing creative ideas and solving problems.
Therefore the session on “Communication skills” has been organised by Sri Aurobindo Institute of Management & Science on the 4th Day of the “Student Development Program”.
The keynote speaker for the session was “Ms Chani Trivedi” Director of Strategic Initiative & Planning, Sri Aurobindo Group of Institutions.
She shared the techniques to improve communication skills (both intrapersonal & interpersonal communication) with the students.
She shared the features of communication like Clarity, Correctness, Conciseness, Courtesy, Concreteness, Consideration and Completeness.
Also, she explained the importance of Non – Verbal communication as well, like gestures, postures, and hand movements by playing a game with students.
The session was highly interactive for the students. They got so much to learn from her to make their communication more effective.
30/09/2022, FRIDAY
With millions of startups spread in every nook and corner of the world, new businesses are on the rise. Becoming an entrepreneur is an assiduous task and it is certainly not meant for the faint of heart. With strong willpower, determination, skills and time, comes the ability to become a successful entrepreneur with the power to take the world by awe
The keynote speaker of the Day 5-Students Development Program is Dr Anupam Mandloi, Vice Principal at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology, Indore.
Dr Anupam Mandloi talked about how Innovation is important in entrepreneurship & Start up’s. According to him in the highly competitive world, innovative ideas are what will separate you from the rest. In order to create an outstanding product, and strong brand and to build a customer network, one needs to innovate. He explained to the students that Innovation doesn’t always mean creating something new, innovators often take something that already exists, improves it, change it, make it better and make it the best for their customers. Innovative ideas are what will make a startup competition.
He focused on how innovation is a facilitator of entrepreneurship and a way of empowering people to take charge of their lives and economic prosperity.
Students attending the workshop with enthusiasm and interest. Overall the session is very interactive where in students are participating and expressing opinions.