SAIP-IIC Organized Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude & Behaviour Development”

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy – Institution’s Innovative Council organized a Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development” on 28th February, 2023 under the coordination of Ms. Kiran Verma (Assistant Professor, SAIP). Dr. Anu Hardenia – Innovation Ambassador, SAIP was the speaker for the event.

The objective of the seminar was to give the attendees insights about skills, behaviour, attitude and the key elements of entrepreneurial behaviour and to motivate the attendees on how to develop entrepreneurship skills, improve attitude & behaviour for becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Dr. Anu Hardenia, Associate Professor and Innovation Ambassador, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, started the workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development”. She started the workshop by discussing the reasons for a person to become an entrepreneur first. She also gave insightful facts about types of entrepreneurs.

The workshop helped the attendees learn about the characterstics, skills of entrepreneurship, behaviour and attitude of entrepreneur. She also guided the skills improvement i.e. marketing skills, social networks which are required dimensions of entrepreneur behaviour like Identification of opportunities, Vision and Influence, Comfort and Uncertainty, Efficient Decision Making, Building Networks, Collaborations, Management of Operations. The lecture increased the scope of knowledge of attendees about entrepreneurship. Dr. Hardenia also mentioned about the three main attributes of becoming a successful entrepreneur – Adaptability, Persistence and Hard Work.
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The workshop also included the success stories of Entrepreneur Ramesh C. Juneja – an Indian businessman and the Chairman of Mankind Pharma Ltd. and Dr. Dhaval Shah, Co-founder of PharmEasy which made the workshop very interesting and motivated the attendees.

The attendees of the workshop got an idea about skills, behaviour and right attitude that is required to become a successful entrepreneur. They understood the difference between risk-taking and mitigating risks. They also learned to identify their skill and how to make a team in which all the ideal characterstics of entrepreneurs are present. Attendees were motivated to think of an alternate solution needed to solve the problem. Hence, started developing a critical mindset.

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