Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC) has selected the Institution Innovation Council of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore (SAIT-IIC) for Phase II of Impact Lecture Series to conduct two online sessions by experts on the theme of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Start-up, IPR or Incubation.
The institution’s Innovation Council established at Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore helps in planning, channelizing and organising the year’s activities in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and IPR to sensitise and motivate students and faculties to pursue innovation and start-up during their academic.
Conduction of impact lecture sessions in Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore is one of the approaches under the IIC program to support IIC institutions to generate awareness on innovation, IPR and start-up in such institutions with funding assistance from MIC & AICTE. The impact lecture sessions in selected IIC institutions will not only streamline campus innovation and start-up ecosystem but also help in establishing a strong connection with ecosystem enablers at the regional and national levels, and aware students and faculty members of the innovation ecosystem in their surroundings and at the national level.
Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore is also got associated with IEEE Computer Society and Computer Society of India for technical support in Session II of the Impact Lecture Series.
Under the Impact Lecture Series scheme, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore conducted Session II on July 30, 2022, on the theme innovation-Entrepreneurship and Start-up. Renowned and experienced experts were invited from Bhopal and Pune to deliver expert talks. The details of individual lectures are given below.
Session II | Lecture 1
Session II Lecture I of Impact Lecture Series was conducted on 30 July 2022 at 11:30
AM. More than 170 students were pre-registered through an online form. The expert in the first lecture was Dr N K Choubey. Dr N.K. Choubey is a Senior Principal Scientist
& Head at Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre, Patent Information Centre &
Technology Management Centre.
He has More than 30 years of experience in the application resources inventory, Planning management & execution of plans for the state, national and international projects & programmes of Govt. M.P., Govt. of India, DST, Deptt. of Space, World Bank & UNICEF.
The title of Dr Choubey’s lecture was “Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights in Indian Scenario”. He explained in detail the various types of IPs. He also spoke about the eligibility and validity of Intellectual Properties like Patent, Trademark, GI etc.