On November 16th 2022, the Computer Science department of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology organised an event on “Full Stack Development Bootcamp” to impart knowledge on MERN and MEAN Stack Bootcamp to the students. The experts from upGrad Campus deliver their knowledge on different aspects of the MERN and MEAN stack. This event was conducted in association with IEEE Computer Society- Madhya Pradesh Chapter, CSI Indore & ACM Indore.
The invited guests were Mr Abhijeet Patil, VP upGrad Education, and Mr Manish Kumar to grace the occasion. The program started with welcoming all the dignitaries at 11:00 AM.
Prof. Nupur Gupta gave the welcome address and a brief introduction about the event. Prof. Anju Pawar introduced Mr Abhijeet Patil. Later, Abhijeet Patil called for his address.
Mr Abhijeet Patil delivered his talk on “Full Stack Development Bootcamp”. He has covered various aspects and the role of MERN and MEAN and why it is essential in the present era. He started with Web development and covered the core Concept of how to design the website by the use of MERN and MEAN Stack which is very useful for our students. He told that MEAN Stack is MERN Stack: MERN Stack is a JavaScript Stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack comprises 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier. MEAN Stack is one of the most popular Technology Stack. It is used to develop a Full Stack Web Application. Although it is a Stack of different technologies, all of these are based on the JavaScript language
MEAN Stands for:
M – MongoDB
E – Express
A – Angular
N – Node.js
This stack leads to faster development as well as the deployment of the Web Application. Angular is Frontend Development Framework whereas Node.js, Express, and MongoDB are used for Backend development.
The vote of thanks given by our Head of Department Prof. Nupur Gupta
Around 200 students and faculty members attended the workshop in offline mode and 20 participants in the online mode of various streams.